We've just implemented several new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to provide a more streamlined workflow in the Kixie Dashboard. Let's take a quick look at what's new.
PowerCall Directory - multiple status filters
Updated the PowerCall Directory to support multiple status filters being selected at once. Now, users can select both “Available” and “Do Not Disturb” (or any other combination) and the directory will show agents with either status.
PowerCall Connection Boost toggle
Updated the Connection Boost toggle in PowerCall to be disabled when a user does not have either the Connection Boost or Connection Boost Private products enabled on their account. This prevents confusion around users who are under the impression this feature is enabled and should be working on their account when they don’t have the product.
Add "Reply" functionality to Inbound SMS Message Email
Now, when a user receives an Inbound SMS Message email detailing the content of a message they received, there is a button the user can click leading to the dashboard where the user can reply to the message via the SMS History page.
Outreach Prospects added to CRM Properties Ingestion
When mapping CRM Properties as part of the PowerList upload process, users are now able to map Outreach Prospect properties.
PowerList Priority Column
Added a column to the Manage > PowerLists dashboard page displaying the priority of each PowerList.
Clicking Submit in PowerCall no longer shows a “loading” bar
When users click Submit in the PowerCall’s call details section (including Call Info, Edit, Schedule, and Outcome), contact information is updated and sent to the connected CRM. After submitting, a success message will appear at the top of the PowerCall window.
Previously, an animated bar appeared at the bottom of this success message, leading users to believe it would automatically close the dialog upon completion or that information would not be submitted until the bar animation was completed. To reduce confusion about the status of the information being sent to the CRM, this loading bar has been removed. Users can click the ‘x’ at the right of the message to close at any time.
Add a message in PowerCall when audio access is not granted
Calls fail when a user denies PowerCall access to their computer’s microphone. Now, PowerCall displays a message when detecting that microphone access has been denied. The message links to Kixie’s support center article with instructions for enabling microphone access.
Add new PowerList modal look and feel updates
Updated the look and feel of the Settings and Contacts tabs in the modal that opens when clicking “Add New Team PowerList” at the top of the Manage > PowerLists page, additionally, some settings have been moved to a new Advanced tab. Review the images below to compare the OLD and NEW versions as well as view the new Advanced tab.
Settings - Old
Settings - New
Additional settings removed from the Settings tab have been added to a new “Advanced” tab at the bottom left of the list of tabs
Contacts - Old
Contacts - New
Updated verbiage with more detailed steps and links to help articles
Add new PowerList modal default Max Attempts updates
In addition to the look and feel of the modal, the default values for Max Attempts have been updated as well.
- The default value for Daily Max Attempts was changed from 1 to 2
- The default value for Total Max Attempts was changed from 1 to 10
Bug Fixes
Duplicates of agents showing in the Time Saved Report
Fixed an issue where the same agent would show multiple times in the Time Saved Report.
Submit button in PowerCall was unresponsive
Fixed an issue where the Submit (outcome) button in PowerCall would produce no effect. Also added a spinning icon to indicate loading before showing a success message to increase clarity.
PowerList Human Voice Detect hanging and not connecting to dialed numbers
Fixed an issue where, in rare situations, customers in a PowerList Human Voice Detect session were getting stuck in a state where they were not connecting to any dialed numbers and would need to restart their dialer.
Call History banner persists when navigating away
We recently added an info banner to the top of the Call History page informing users that when the page was filtered to have more than 10,000 rows, we limit how many rows appear on the page.
This banner would persist even when navigating to other pages on the dashboard. This has been fixed and the banner goes away when navigating away from the Call History page.
Queue Callback call disconnects when held
Fixed an issue where putting a queue callback call on hold would result in the call being disconnected.
SMS unread messages not displaying
Fixed an issue where some unread messages for users that were within the search time were not displaying in PowerCall SMS History even though the badge notification was showing the correct amount.
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