Kixie Dashboard Update - Feb 16th, 2023

Ryan Frizelle Ryan Frizelle

We’ve just implemented several new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to provide a more streamlined workflow in the Kixie Dashboard. Let’s take a quick look at what’s new.



Leaderboard Revamp

The Leaderboard has been updated to allow more flexibility and customization. Leaderboards are now managed under the new “Live” section of the Kixie Dashboard. Users can add multiple leaderboards with multiple slides each. Each slide can be customized to show different Teams, Metrics, and various durations of metrics.

Hubspot Native SMS logging

Sent and received SMS messages are now logged natively to Hubspot as a “Logged SMS”.

Add "Scheduled Activity" to Webhook Events

Added “Scheduled Activity” as a dropdown option in the Add/Edit Webhook modal.


Created Event API Endpoint for Team SMS

Expose an External Event API for Team SMS that would trigger an automated outbound message to a target number from the Team SMS inbox number.



Calls Showing as 0 Duration in Call History

Fixed an issue where some call types were incorrectly showing 0 for call duration in call history.


PowerList Calls Showing Completed While Still in Progress

Fixed an issue where some calls were showing as completed while still in progress when dialing a PowerList and transferring calls.


Call Date/Duration Discrepancy Between Agent Snapshot and Call History

Fixed an issue where the date and duration details were different for a given call between the Agent Snapshot and Call History pages. Both pages now show the same information for a given call.


Update Card Message

Fixed an issue where users would see an incorrect “Failed to Update Card” message when updating their credit card information. Now, when a card is updated by the user, they will see a message stating “Credit Card successfully updated”


Feel free to reach out to us if you have any specific questions about any of these new features, or to share your thoughts on how we can improve Kixie even more.