How to Access and Filter Call History as a Manager in Kixie
If you have manager permissions in Kixie, you will be able to view and s...
Shea McConnell Shea McConnell
How Do I Control Settings for Call Recordings?
This article will review your options for controlling call recordings fo...
Alex Mann Alex Mann
Two-Party Consent and TCPA Compliance
  Regarding Compliance with the TCPA or Two-Party consent laws governing...
Alex Mann Alex Mann
Conversation Intelligence
  What is Conversation Intelligence? Kixie’s Conversation Intelligence p...
William Scholl William Scholl
Conversation Intelligence FAQs
What is the difference between the Call Summary and the Call Transcripti...
William Scholl William Scholl
Call Recording FAQs
Where can I listen to and download call recordings? As a manager In the...
Beaujean Betouliere Beaujean Betouliere