Kixie’s Contact Management Actions allow agents to easily manage which phone numbers they dial for a contact within PowerDialer.

How it Works

When importing a spreadsheet or using the CRM Mapping Tool to send a contact with multiple phone numbers into a PowerList, Kixie creates a relationship between the group of phone numbers belonging to that contact. This is called a Contact Group.

Contact Management via Spreadsheet Import

If a spreadsheet has multiple phone numbers for a Contact within a single row, each phone number in that Contact's row will be grouped.

spreadsheet contact group.png

Contact Management via CRM Properties Mapping

If a Contact is submitted to a PowerList using CRM List import, each contact phone number field mapped into PowerList will be grouped.

crm properties contact group.png

How to Use Contact Management Actions

  1. After a phone call, select the desired Contact Management Action from the dropdown menu within PowerDialer.
  2. Select a disposition and click “Save.”
  3. The Contact Management Action will be applied upon clicking save.


Contact Management Actions

  1. Always Use This Number:

    • Description: Removes all other phone numbers from the Contact Group in all PowerLists, except for the phone number that was just dialed. The dialed phone number remains in the PowerList and follows the configured cadence.
    • Example: An agent connects with a contact who instructs them to only use the current phone number for future calls. The agent ensures this number is not removed from the PowerList, but all other numbers are removed.
  2. Remove This Number:

    • Description: Removes the phone number that was just dialed from all PowerLists, leaving the other phone numbers in the Contact Group in the current PowerList.
    • Example: An agent connects with someone who indicates it's the wrong number. The agent removes this number from future calls but keeps the other numbers in the Contact Group.
  3. Remove This Contact:

    • Description: Removes the phone number that was just dialed along with all other phone numbers in the Contact Group from all PowerLists.
    • Example: An agent connects with a contact who requests no further calls on any number. The agent removes all numbers associated with that contact from the PowerLists.