Removing a lead or customer from your PowerList in Kixie is a simple process, offering you multiple options to suit your needs. In this article, we'll guide you through four methods: 


Manually delete in the view contacts page

Video Walkthrough:

To manually remove a contact from a PowerList, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. For personal PowerLists, go to My Profile > Agent Settings > My PowerLists. For organizational PowerLists, go to Manage > PowerLists.
  3. In the PowerList you want to edit, click the green "View Contacts" icon.
  4. Select the contact you wish to delete.
  5. Click the red delete button that appears.
  6. Confirm the deletion one more time.

Please keep in mind that you are not able to delete a contact if the PowerList is currently in session for any agents.


Automate the deletion process using disposition rules

Video Walkthrough:

To automate contact removal using disposition rules, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. For personal PowerList, go to My Profile > Agent Settings > My PowerLists. For organizational PowerLists, go to Manage > PowerLists.
  3. Click the name of the PowerList you would like to edit.
  4. Navigate to the Dispositions section.
  5. Select a disposition and choose the action "Remove from PowerList". The actions "Forward to PowerList" and "Forward to Cadence" will also remove the contact from the current PowerList.


Automate the deletion process using Zapier

Video Walkthrough:

To automate contact removal via Zapier, follow these steps:

  1. You can create a free Zapier account at Confirm your Zapier integration with Kixie by contacting us through chat or email us at
  2. Add either "Remove All PowerLists" or "Remove PowerList" as a Kixie event to your Zapier workflow.
  3. Connect your Kixie account using the BID and API Key found in under Manage > Account Settings.
  4. Configure the Action. Note that "Remove All PowerLists" requires only the phone number data, while "Remove PoweList" requires the PowerList ID as well (found in under Manage > PowerLists).
  5. Test the action before publishing your Zap.


Automate the deletion process using HubSpot Workflows

Video Walkthrough:

To automate contact removal with HubSpot Workflows, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have integrated your Kixie account with HubSpot by contacting us in chat or email
  2. If integrated, within your HubSpot Workflows, you can find "Kixie: Remove Contact from PowerList" and "Kixie: Remove Contact from All PowerLists" under Available Actions.
  3. Configure the Action. Note that "Kixie: Remove Contact from All PowerLists" only requires the phone number data while "Kixie: Remove Contact from PowerList" requires the PowerList ID as well (found in under Manage > PowerLists).
  4. Review your Workflow before publishing.




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