How to Use Click to Call to Dial an Extension Number

Beaujean Betouliere Beaujean Betouliere

Users with the PowerCall dialer can make use of the Click to Call feature offered by Kixie combined with automatic extension dialing. The Kixie platform will recognize any valid phone number and allow you to dial that number with just a click. That's right, your days of copy+paste or manually entering a number are over. Kixie will dial the phone number and then automatically dial the extension when the virtual receptionist answers. 

Users can use our Click to Call feature to dial a number with an extension. Please make sure that you are clicking the red icon, not the phone number itself.



Can I Click to Call an extension outside of my CRM?

Currently, Kixie only allows users to Click to Call extensions from within their CRM (phone field) 


What are the acceptable formats? 

Acceptable formatting

14248003336 e 7 14248003336 ext 7 14248003336 x 7
14248003336 e. 7 14248003336 ext. 7  14248003336 x. 7


14248003336 e7 14248003336 ext7 14248003336 x7
14248003336 e.7 14248003336 ext.7  14248003336 x.7

Are the formats listed above case-sensitive, or space-sensitive?
