To successfully send SMS using Kixie, you need to have a phone number allocated to your Outbound SMS Number field. You will see the message "No SMS number assigned to your user account" if you don't have a number currently allocated. Check the steps in this article on how to resolve this.

Assigning an SMS Number

Steps to Assign an SMS Number to a User

As a user:

  1. Log in to your Kixie account at
  2. Go to My Profile > Account Settings > Edit.
  3. Click on Edit All on the right-hand side.
  4. Locate the Outbound SMS Number field, and ensure that it contains a valid phone number.

  5. If the field is empty, click on the field and select the correct SMS number, then click Save. 

  6. If the field is empty and there are no numbers available to choose from you'll need to add a new Kixie number. Please refer to this guide: How to Purchase a New Phone Number for an Agent. Please keep in mind that not all users have access to purchase a Kixie Number. If you don't have access you would have to send these instructions to a manager on your account.

As a manager:

  1. Log in to your Kixie account at
  2. Go to Manage > Agents.
  3. Click on the name of the agent who is experiencing the SMS error.
  4. Click Edit Agent.
  5. Locate the Outbound SMS Number field, and ensure that it contains a valid phone number. 
  6. If the field is empty, click on the field and select the correct SMS number, then click Save. 
  7. If the field is empty and there are no numbers available to choose from, you'll need to add a new Kixie number for the agent. Please refer to this guide: How to Purchase a New Phone Number for an Agent.

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