Manager Dashboard: What is Manage Account Used For?

Daniel Lovig Daniel Lovig

NOTE: Only Managers will be able to see this tab on their Dashboard. On your Dashboard, you may have been wondering what you would use Manage > Account for! I'll explain here further what you can find and change on your account using this tab.


Account Settings

When you first click into Manage > Account, your account's Main Settings will show here. Every account on Kixie will automatically have an MP3 file called "The Jazz Piano" uploaded for your hold music. You are free to change this at any time on this page. You can also edit your Business Name & Change your Timezone.



Account Options

The second tab is Options. Here is where you can edit how you want to record calls (if at all), if you want the recordings in your CRM, if you want to automatically Create a Contact in your CRM if an unknown caller dials in or you dial out to an unknown caller, allow Webhooks (for workflows/automations), if you want only managers or all users to view all agent reporting, if only managers or only users can add phone numbers, and if you want to block outbound SMS or Calls. At the bottom of this pop up, you can designate what you want a "Connected Call" to be - this is measured in seconds. The standard Kixie "Connection" is 3 minutes, or 180 seconds, which you can change here. You can also change how you want your outbound calls recorded - most people leave this as "All" if you want all calls recorded.Screen_Shot_2021-08-27_at_12.47.49_PM.png



The third tab is Integrations. Here is where you can see your Business ID and your API key, which you may need for some workflows & automations.



Business Hours

The next option is for Business Hours. Note that this is where you can set your "Open" hours, so you will want to designate this as the time that you want agents to receive calls. You can also set Business Hours individually for agents, ring groups, IVRs, and queues, but this overall "Business Hours" will override all other individual Business Hours. You'll want this to encompass all other open hours as to not run into any issues. Screen_Shot_2021-08-27_at_12.52.41_PM.png


Harassment Rules

The fifth option is for Harassment Rules. Here is where you can designate the maximum number of times that the same number can be texted/called in a given time period, before any further auto-calls or powerdials (for calls) or auto-sms (for sms) are blocked.



Custom CRM

And finally, the sixth option is Custom CRM. If you have a CRM that does not inherently integrate with Kixie, you are free to add your Webhooks here. Most importantly you will need a "Search Endpoint" Webhook for where you need the data to log to. You can add the rest at your own discretion.
