Choppy voice describes the sound when there are gaps in the voice. Syllables appear to be dropped or badly delayed in a start and stop fashion.
Common causes are packet loss and other networking issues.
Steps to Resolve
- Headset Troubleshooting
- Win:
- Mac:
- Make sure your headset is fully charged, and directly connected to your computer. If possible avoid USB Hub usage as they commonly experience issues that may cause choppy audio.
- Disconnect your headset from other devices it may be connected to such as a cellphone.
- On Windows, set the communications setting When Windows detects communications activity: to Do Nothing
- Test Your Networking Throughput
- Run the Kixie Networking Diagnostic
Open Diagnostic - We want to look at the latency or ping values in ms. Follow next steps based on your ping test results.
- 0-85ms latency:
- standard expected range. Please continue to the Networking Steps to Resolve
- 86ms-150ms average ping
- acceptable range but may experience some packet loss. Please continue to Networking Steps to Resolve.
- 151-300ms average ping
- You will experience call quality issues and your networking hardware likely is the cause of your packet loss. We recommend continuing to the next step but you may want to consult your IT professional for network hardware suggestions
- 300ms+ average ping
- You may experience call drops and the packet loss messages you see likely stem from poor networking hardware. You should continue to step 5 but should improve your network hardware quality.
- 0-85ms latency:
If you have administrative access to your router, then please also do the following:
- Disable SIP ALG
- Whitelist the IPs: Ports listed here:
- Contact Your ISP mentioning that your Jitter and/or Latency is exceedingly high. They should provide some troubleshooting steps.
- Purchase adequate networking hardware to support your internet usage.
- Contact There may be a carrier issue causing the echo you experience.
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- Choppy Voice
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