Basic Audio Troubleshooting
First off, ensure that your computer's audio settings have the correct input/output devices selected for your default audio.
If you experience some calls where you cannot hear ring audio, you'll want to hard-set your audio device by going into the dialer's settings > audio settings > change the audio device to the duplicate of your headset (so instead of default, use the other version of the headset).
You can also paste this into Chrome and make sure the correct audio device is set there as well (can also try to select the duplicate version of their headset): chrome://settings/content/microphone
Another thing to try is clearing your cache by following the instructions here: How to Update Chrome and Clear Your Cache
Few things can be as frustrating as unexpected drops in call quality. We understand that what is most important to you and your team is that you are able to make calls using Kixie free from any issues. However, for a variety of reasons, you may find that people you speak with report unsatisfactory call quality. If that is the case, then you may also be familiar with red banners on your Kixie dialer saying things like "Network Jitter", "Network Delay", and "Packet Loss"--all of which describe a state in your network that may produce drops in call quality.
Please Note: While it is difficult to identify root causes for your drop in quality, understanding your network environment could help:
- IDEAL CONDITIONS: How many people are on your network? Are the Kixie users connected through WiFi or Ethernet (recommended)?
- IDEAL CONDITIONS: How old is your router? Can it support the amount of people that you have on your network (bandwidth)?
- NETWORK CONFIGURATION: Do you have the proper network configuration for VoIP traffic (prioritize voice data on your network)?
Listed below are a few descriptors for call quality issues and the corresponding causes for those issues. See also, 5 common issues and solutions to Call Quality
Detailed List and Samples Listed Here
Question: What is Packet Loss?
- Common Definition: Packet loss occurs when one or more packets of data traveling across a computer network fail to reach their destination. Packet loss is either caused by errors in data transmission, typically across wireless networks, or network congestion.
Question: What is Network Delay?
- Common Definition: The delay of a network specifies how long it takes for a bit of data to travel across the network from one node or endpoint to another. It is typically measured in multiples or fractions of seconds.
Question: What is Network Jitter?
- Common Definition: Jitter is defined as a variation in the delay of received packets. At the sending side, packets are sent in a continuous stream with the packets spaced evenly apart. Due to network congestion, improper queuing, or configuration errors, this steady stream can become lumpy, or the delay between each packet can vary instead of remaining constant. If the jitter is so large that it causes packets to be received out of the range of this buffer, the out-of-range packets are discarded and dropouts are heard in the audio.
Question: What can Kixie do about this?
- Kixie cannot make changes to your network, we can only notify you when your network is not meeting the ideal conditions (through banners on your dialer). You may want to discuss your network with your IT representative/personnel, and/or your Internet Service Provider to ensure that the recommendations in the 2 articles listed below are met.
- Please be sure that you are following our recommendations in the following articles:
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- Audio Troubleshooting: Experiencing Call Quality Issues? Can't Hear Ring Audio?
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